Links To Various Websites Related to Dharamsala ,Tibetans In Dharamsala, Community, Buddhism,Tibetan Government In Exile, Arts And Culture, Associations, NGO's,Travel, Schools And Meditation Centres, Directories and Other Various Amenties In Dharamsala and McleodGanj.
Tibetan Community and Government In Exile
TibetNet Web Site of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile of H.H. the Dalai Lama - www.tibet.net
The Government of Tibet-in-Exile
News, The Status of Tibet, Government of Tibet, Tibetan Culture, Teachings and Guidelines.
Tibetan Youth Congress TYC News, Activities, Rangzen, Archives and Support, Facts about Tibet and Campaigns - www.tibetanyouthcongress.org
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy Established in response to a need for effective monitoring of the human rights situation in Tibet and the promotion of democracy in the Tibetan community - www.tchrd.org
Tibetan Centre for Conflict Resolution Tibetan Centre for Conflict Resolutions is a registered, non-profitable, educational organisation dedicated to the non-violent management of conflicts in the Tibetan Community and the world as a whole - www.tccrinfo.org/
Worldbridges Tibet Video Screening Room, Photos, Links, Chat, Bulletin Board, News Events - www.worldbridges.com/Tibet
His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Home-Pages H.H. Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet: The Office of Tibet and the Tibetan Government-in-Exile - www.dalailama.com
Kagyu Office Official site of His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje - www.kagyuoffice.org/
Nechung Monastery Nechung monastery is the seat of Tibet's State Oracle, now re-established in India - www.nechungnyc.org
The Bon Foundation Founded in 1989 to assist Bonpo refugees who have settled in India and to help preserve the ancient traditions of Bon, the indigenous culture of Tibet - www.bonfoundation.org/
Tibet Search Web Friend, Tibet Board, Advertising, Webpage, Guestbook, (email@lhaso.com) - http://www.tibettimes.tibetsearch.com/
Tibet Online Operated by the international Tibet Support Group community, providing information on the plight of Tibet - www.tibet.org
Linking Tibetans worldwide. Community and Events, chat forum - http://tibetlink.com
Tibetan Nuns Project Current projects, Dolma Ling, Shugsep, Geden Choeling, Tilokpur, How to Help - www.tnp.org
Arts and Culture Of Tibetans In Dharamsala and Mcleodganj
Norbulingka Institute Centre for preserving Tibetan Arts and culture: statue making, thangka painting, woodcarving, fashion clothes, research library and publications. Products and Sales: Norling Arts, Chonor Designs, Norling Designs - www.norbulingka.org
Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts Preserving the Tibetan cultural identity by keeping alive artistic traditions - Traditional Opera performances - www.tibetanarts.org
The Tibet Museum National Commemoration and Documentation Center. Demton Khang aims to collect, preserve and present material relating to modern Tibetan history to commemorate the loss of Tibetan culture and lives, preservation of memories, and to project the hopes and aspirations of the Tibetan people - www.tibetmuseum.org
Tibetan Paintings The art of the Prajnopaya Thangde Gatsal Thanka Painting School and Studio, Dharamsala - www.tibetanpaintings.com/
Alfred Hallett Art Gallery Dharamsala Landscapes, portraits, figure-painting, religious themes by a former Royal Academy exhibitor, also Paintings for Sale - www.dharamsalanet.com
Tibetan Photo Project The Tibetan Photo Project is designed to provide a voice to the Tibetans by exhibiting their views through their own works of photography - www.tibetanphotoproject.com
Environmental NGO : Mountain Cleaners - The Mountain Cleaners are a group of volunteers who formed in 2009 in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, dedicated environmentalists who are committed to cleaning up India, little by little through a combination of direct action, liaison and awareness raising. Mountain Cleaners have been given a “Green Hero” award.
Schools And Medidation Centres
Tushita Meditation Centre Centre for the study and practice of the Tibetan Mahayana tradition, Dharamkot - www.tushita.info
Himachal Vipassana Centre Dhamma Sikhara, Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N.Goenka, course schedule, guidelines and what to bring, Dharamkot - also Vipassana Research Institute - www.sikhara.dhamma.org/
Dharamshala Earthville Institute Grassroots, community-based nonprofit educational society promoting cross-cultural appreciation, personal empowerment and community development - www.earthville.net/devi/
WorldSmiles Yong Ling School, McLeod Ganj, Adult English Program, Computer Education, Tibetan Music, Photos of His Holiness, Images of Dharamsala, Bringing Smiles Through Education - www.worldsmiles.org
The Dogga Adult Education Centre The Dogga School provides the local people of McLeod Ganj and its surrounding area with free adult education - www.dogga.org/
Tibetan Children's Village TCV: Dharamsala, Bylakuppe, Ladakh, Bir, Gopalpur - also TCV Cultivate the Buddhahood Within - http://tcv.org.in
Tibetan Women's Association A Tribute to our Brave Sisters - Reports - Vocational Training (Stitches) - Activities - Publications - www.tibetanwomen.org
Dharamsala Information Resource - the DharamsalaNet-Dharamsala News,Directory and Links to Tibetans in Exile sites.
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